Volume. XXXVIII, No. 62
Sunday, 03 September 2023

Biblical Principles for Good Time Management (Part 2)

10 Timely Tips for More Effective Personal Time Management

  1. Spend Time Praying. Planning And Reading

Using time to pray, think and plan is time well-spent. In fact, if you fail to take time for planning, you are, in effect, planning to fail. Organise in a way that you are comfortable with. Some people need to have papers filled away: others get their creative energy from their messy piles. So pray and organise your way. The author has a planner with him and a little notebook as well.


  1. Have God-Honouring Goals

Edifying goals give us purpose and direction in life. Knowing God's will and following it is necessary. Set goals which are specific, measurable, realistic and achievable. God-centred goals can give Christian a much-needed sense of direction. For example, do you set aside precious time daily to be with God first in the morning (Mk 1:35; Ps 5:3)? We are creatures of habit, let us develop a good habit and routine for the Lord. (i.e. waking up early and reading the Word)


The art of prioritising is to isolate and identify that which is valuable and needful over the trivial and unimportant. Heavenly things are more important than the earthly things (Col 3:1 and Matt 6:33), Let us remember God first, then others and self, for we can trust God for the rest as He is faithful that promised.


  1. Use a To Do List

Some people thrive well by using a daily To-Do List which is constructed either the night before or first thing in the morning. Such people may combine a To-Do List with a calendar or schedule. Others prefer a "running" To Do list which is continuously being updated. Or, one may prefer a combination of the two previously described To Do lists. Whatever method works is best for you. Use it regularly as a habit with godly temperance.


  1. Be Flexible

Allow time for interruptions and distractions (i.e. baby crying, phone call, someone getting il). If you are interrupted, re-schedule routine tasks and move on. Save (or make) larger blocks of time for your priorities. Ask the crucial question, "What is the most important thing I can be doing with my time right now?" Beware of the tyranny of the urgent that may not be important.


  1. Consider Your Personal Prime Time

There is the time of day when you are at your best. Are you a "morning person", a "night owl," or a late afternoon "whiz?" Knowing when your best time is and planning to use that time of day for your priorities, if possible, as in spending time with God in reading His word and prayer, is effective time management. Honour God first with your very best time and He will reward you accordingly for the rest of the day.


Have a clear mind to do those things that are right and proper first, and do them well to honour the Lord, in the light of eternity, in your vocation, and family life. Do not compromise your moral or ethical principles.


  1. Manage the Urgent

Urgent tasks have short-term consequences while important tasks are those with long-term, goal-related implications. Work towards reducing the urgent things you must do so you'll have time for your important priorities. Flagging or highlighting items on your To Do List or attaching a deadline to each item may help keep important items from becoming urgent emergencies (i.e. calling a member in need to pray). A well-ordered day is half the battle won.


  1. Practise the Art of Neglecting the Trivial

Eliminate from your life trivial tasks or those tasks which do not have long-term consequences for you. Can you delegate or eliminate any of your To Do list? Work on those tasks which you alone can do. Remember the advice Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, gave to Moses in Exodus 18. It is important to delegate and let others with their gifts and talents have a part in your life and ministry as well. Know for a fact that you cannot do everything yourself. No one is indispensable except God.


  1. Fight Procrastination

When one is afraid of a big task, one tends to avoid it or postpone it. Avoiding something is not as effective as breaking it into smaller tasks and doing just one of the smaller tasks or setting a timer and working on the big task for just 15 minutes. By doing a little at a time, eventually you will reach a point where you will want to finish it. Every small step is needful to achieving the goal in the end. DIN (Do it now!).


  1. Learn To Say "NO*

Such a small word and yet it is so hard to say. Distractions are of the Satan's ways of keeping us from God's goals for us. Focus on your right goals and priorities and be clear in your mind. Blocking time for important, but often not scheduled priorities, such as family and friends can also help. But first you must be convinced that you and your priorities are important - that seems to be the hardest part in learning to say "no". Once convinced of their importance, saying "no" to the unimportant in life gets easier, like a friend's invitation to games, lunch or other less important events.


  1. Remember God

Even for small tasks, remember to pray and praise and give thanks to God (Ps 136:1-3). John 16:24 says, “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” Share with others God's grace and strength in completing each task, or when finishing the total job. Then keep at it and maintain the necessary balance in life between work and play. "If we learn to balance God-honouring worship, work and play, life would be more enriching, abundant, edifying and meaningful."


Applying Good Time Management Principles

Personal Time Management is about the careful employment of one of your most valuable (and undervalued) resources that God is giving you. Consider these two questions: what would happen if you spent company money with as few safeguards as you spent personal time. Would you be in deficit by now? When was the last time you scheduled a time for personal worship and prayer?


The absence of good Time Management is characterised by ill discipline and hence, is often a symptom of over confidence, laziness or indifference which has not the fruit of the Spirit. Possibly, the reason why Time Management is poorly practised is that it so seldom forms a measured part of sanctified living. We need a spiritual paradigm shift today.


Good Time Management has many facets. There is the concept of keeping a well ordered diary and the related idea of planned activity. But beyond these, it is a tool for the systematic ordering of your life and important occasions and events.


Good Time Management includes the following:-

    • Eliminate wastage of time with responsible and careful planning and maximize opportunities to serve God and complete our work
    • Be mentally prepared for important meetings/sessions/services/camps, plan and pray for each week's events and work with a God given discipline and purpose


Since time management is a discipline, it must be developed over time and prayerfully reviewed before the Lord.


To be continued…

By Rev Jack Sin

Sovereign Hope BPC Church, Singapore

More Lively Hope



  • Welcome to the pulpit: Rev Ed Kastelein.
  • Blessed Father’s Day to all fathers and grandfathers.
  • Sunday school training will begin 9 Oct (Sun). 
  • Holiday Bible Club registrations open online ( https://tinyurl.com/hbcreg2023 ), or scan the QR code. Invitations in the foyer, please invite your friends.
  • HBC helpers required.
  • Support for Cambodian Missions: financial contributions toward a new combined church and ministry needs. Please designate contributions as "Cambodia”.
  • Sanctuary Clean-up: Choir.


Praise & Thanksgiving

  • Delivery of a healthy baby boy.
  • Successful surgery.
  • Inauguration service of new combined church ministry in Cambodia.



  • Missions: Guatemala.
  • Healing: Rev Pong Sen Yiew, & all others who are unwell.
  • New pastor for our church.



© Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church
14 Bedford Square, Colonel Light Gardens, South Australia 5041